

Home Sustainability Ethics

Our Outlook

Since inception, we have endeavoured to create long-lasting stakeholder value instead of purely maximising profits. The ethical acumen, moral conduct and business competence of our founders and leaders have driven the business strategy of our organisation. Our business strategy is guided by the core values of ‘Care, Integrity, and Excellence’. While planning and executing our business strategy, we are mindful of the needs and wants of our customers, employees and local communities.

Our ‘Business Ethics and Code of Conduct’ reflects our values and principles and governs how every AIL employee  discharges their duty and responsibility.  All executives of the company, including board members, annually affirm compliance with the Code. In the past, the ethics committee has reviewed and investigated cases of violation of the code of conduct and taken appropriate actions, wherever required.

As a corporate with a strong adherence to ethical principles, we realise that bribery and corruption are serious concerns which could potentially undermine the integrity of our company. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we abide by the UNGC principle 10 which states that business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. It is included in our supplier code of conduct and communicated to them while approving contracts.

Encouraging Fair Practices

A whistle-blower mechanism has been instituted in AIL to provide an opportunity for employees and other business partners to report any unethical practice within the company. Complaints can be reported pertaining to:

  • Fraud against investors, securities fraud, mail or wire fraud, bank fraud or fraudulent statements.
  • Violations of any rules and regulations applicable to the company and related to accounting and auditing matters.
  • Intentional error or fraud in the preparation, review or audit of any financial statement of the company.
  • Any violations to the company's ethical business practices as specified in the company's ‘Code of Conduct’ policy.